Dis-Tanzen SOLO 2022

Suspended Earth is choreographic research with the aim to deepen up the concepts of resistance, instability, agitation, home, and fatigue that came up as topics for movement and artistic investigation since my arrival in Berlin. The idea of becoming someone new, and getting to identify all the things that make you who you are and understand the change in yourself, whilst having to continue the long process of adaptation and learning.

The creation of “Suspended Earth” was born from an exploration of the myriad ideas, emotions, and reflections that arose from my migration from Chile to Europe. This transformative decision undoubtedly changed my life, leaving me with a whirlwind of thoughts. When my project was approved by Dis-Tanzen, the challenge was to concretize these feelings and transform them into a captivating solo piece, as envisioned in the project description.
To do this, I revisited the fundamental questions and simple ideas that had occupied my mind during my early days in Berlin. Connecting with friends who had undergone similar experiences, I conducted interviews, recording their heartfelt stories. Together with a musician, we sought a creative way to use their voices as audio inspiration for the dance.
In choreographing and dancing simultaneously in this solo piece, I sought the assistance of a friend skilled in dramaturgy. His external perspective added depth and meaning to the envisioned scenes, weaving together the narrative I yearned to tell. This led us to the idea of incorporating visuals into the stage design, allowing for a more explicit portrayal of the ideas and imagery from Berlin and Chile, ultimately captivating the audience’s imagination.
Thus, a profound and poignant interpretation of our immigrant experiences in Berlin emerged, providing us with numerous opportunities to showcase our work, including the recent context of the Performing Arts Festival in Berlin (PAF).

Foto: Alejandro Ramos


Dis-Tanzen SOLO 2023

LATINX is a choreographic  trio between three South American women; together, they explore, with their shared heritage,  ways to create, interpret, and embody  Urban Latin music thereby demonstrating their political discontent with issues across  the South American Diaspora. Inspired by the movement, called “ Perreo Combativo ”, the dancers manifest an imaginary protective space wherein reggaeton, a deep influence of Latin music, can disrupt and resist against political agendas set by those empowered to oppress those in minority and oppressed communities. This work aims to empower and keep alive the physical memories of the land from which they originated.

For this project, I was once again granted the support of Dis-Tanzen SOLO, offering a wonderful opportunity to explore a more complex idea. In this solo, my aim was to create a dance piece delving into the resistance of Latin American people in response to the political agenda in the region, highlighting the aesthetic and visual power of the demonstrations in Chile and other Latin American countries. This project presented a significant challenge, as I sought to work with multiple dancers to amplify the portrayal of a political issue close to my heart. Collaborating with two other talented Latin American dancers, we joined forces to convey a larger picture. Extensive research and investigation were necessary to synthesize the multitude of ideas and present an engaging result for the audience, ensuring that our message was not only artistic but also comprehensible.

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